1) What is node js? Node js is a free and open-source server technology that uses Javascript to create complete web software. It runs on various platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc. You can also use it for developing: Real-time web ap…

C PROGRAMMING (Jump Statement)

Jump Statements in C These statements are used in C for unconditional flow of control through out the funtions in a program. They support four type of jump statements: C break:  This loop control statement is used to terminate the loop. As soon as t…

C PROGRAMMING (Decision Making Statement)

Decision Making in C (if , if..else, Nested if, if-else-if ) There come situations in real life when we need to make some decisions and based on these decisions, we decide what should we do next. Similar situations arise in programming also where we…

C PROGRAMMING ( Data Types )

Data Types in C A data type specifies the type of data that a variable can store such as integer, floating, character, etc. Data types specify how we enter data into our programs and what type of data we enter. C language has some predefined set of da…

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